Most of the manufacturing companies face the problem of adhering their formulae to the Legal and obliged notifications, administrative procedures, compliance with international guide lines and preparation of the documentation for statutory requirements. And it is difficult to ease and speed up all administrative & bureaucracy pending on personal care products. In the fast paced economy, everyone wants the complete information in a single click. Here is a revolutionary system from Logos International which is informative and innovative with the state-of-the-art technology to bridge the gap between the manufacturers and the statutory board.
Under a usability point of view, in this world characterized by the necessity of a higher and higher mobility, the traditional client/server LAN solution becomes a restriction that every day is a tight limit not anymore suitable to the requested and necessary flexibility and promptness of results. All applications are destined to go online and in a few years all companies shall abandon their LAN systems to adopt online systems and many of them will be using providers’ servers, increasing their business vitality also reducing costs and responsibilities at the same time.

4MACS is a 100% web-based software system specifically developed for the industrial market such as Personal Care, Home Care, Pharmaceutical and Food Industry. 4MACS is designed to sort & store the data involved in R&D activity of a company i.e. the total control of all related data of personal care finished products in ONE system. It is a brand new system built on the state-of-the-art latest technology available that includes IT and Mobile technology.
The uniqueness is that a combination of usability on the web along with all the features of an expert system makes 4MACS an unprecedented system and incomparable with any other internationally available systems for the applied industrial areas.

4MACS will constantly update all the future technology and enhance to reflect the IT progress in order to satisfy the requirements determined by legislative modifications under any sense and in any Country.
4MACS has the ambition to include all world legislations pending on Personal Care Products also to ease and speed up all administrative & bureaucracy pending on Personal Care products internationally.
Under this aspect, Logos International is always available to cover all the procedures that customers might ask at this regards. For instance, Logos International shall help any customer in the preparation of the documentation required in the activity of importing/exporting of personal care products from any Country to any Country.

Enhancements regarding compliances with international guide lines pending on laboratory and/or manufacturing procedures can be included.
All procedures pending on the quality assurance on personal care products and related manufacturing activities will be introduced.
Logos International is available to customize and personalize 4MACS system to get it in line with the customer expectation.
Logos International has the skill, the know-how and the necessary resources to assure to any customer the possibility to achieve any performance within the competence of a software system applied to the Personal Care activity.
The Right Tools For The Right Solution. Every Time.
4MACS is a web-based system
This means a new freedom for customers: only one computer is needed as a system server. On that computer the entire database is installed along with the software system. All users are connected via a log-on procedure exactly equal to any other familiar logon made thru an Internet browser. The new possibility available thank to 4MACS is that users do not need anymore a pre-installed piece of software so they can use any computer having a common and familiar Internet browser.
- A company Id
- A user’s Id
- A password
4MACS is Secure
Logons are carefully filtered and only verified users are admitted. Of course, INTRANET architecture is available. Each user has a personalized access profile. It is possible to:
- limit access to determined data
- screen particular data fields so they are not visible to certain users
- define read-only conditions by module, sub-module, section, screen, even by single data field
- define read-only as a general condition
- define possible operations separately for read, print, modify, etc.
4MACS offers a New Freedom
You have the possibility to use any computer anywhere to logon to the database. Immediately you have your database available. Also use the resources at best taking the maximum speed available on the used network.
4MACS is available in several ways, depending on the user’s choice and needs:
- Rental with database hosted on provider’s server
- Rental with database hosted on user’s server
- Rental with database hosted on user’s server in an Intranet environment
- License Purchase
4MACS is “easy” even to be purchased
In order to provide the best possible conditions to our new Customers, we introduce mid/long-term payment conditions based on 6 to 18 months depending on the system configuration.
Whatever you may need to know or to do about your formula, it is there and immediately.
No exhausting waiting, no complicated operations but all you need is simply available in an intuitive way, as you may expect at best.
For instance Regulatory Information regarding each ingredient included in your formulas of many Countries can be presented in one click and exceeded maximum authorized limits are immediately brought to your attention, so you can check the total compliance of your formula just with one click.
Need to print a formula with ingredients in a particular sequence, or exploded for a certain batch quantity of bulk, or including functions, suppliers, trade names, including digital pictures of the product, or a pdf including MSDS of ingredients, etc.? Simply check mark the wished entry and 4MACS will do the rest: just look at your printer and get your printout.
Do you want to e-mail your formula in a particular format –including certain data and excluding certain other data- to a contractor, to a consultant, to a factory? Check mark the wanted data, get the preview format, select the recipients and click on Send button.
Do you want to send an SMS to a contractor, to customer, followed by an output specially formatted for cell phone format? Only be sure that your partner has a cell phone and in a matter of a couple of clicks the job is done and your partner has been informed!
All you really might need is there: Toxicological SED’s and SM’s, ILS-Labeling in as many languages you need, formula history, formula groups, RI decisions, etc.
Do you want to see the audit trail of the entire formula or of just of a particular data field? Nothing easier: just a couple of clicks and 4MACS will do the rest!
CFR21 Part 11 Audit Trail
Also the reasons for certain modifications are available and presented along with the previous and new data.
Stability & Challenge Tests
Each result shall be compared with the proper admitted tolerance and in case something is wrong, an immediate message will be prepared to warn designated persons at the end of the day.
Composing a stability test frame has never been easier: select environments, analyses, the schedule and diversify the combination of them in absolute freedom regarding the links and different schedules for different analyses and/or different environment. Even define the sequence of them within a particular frame.
And in case too many evaluations are scheduled in the same day, 4MACS will warn you in advance, so you can take your decision in time before you miss your dinner with friends!
Please, be aware that if you miss an evaluation, when the time out is expired 4MACS shall advise you on your cell phone and/or on your e-mail box.
Imagine this: you are visiting a partner (a contractor, a supplier, a consultant, etc.) and you spot something that you do not want to lose. Well: take a picture and if you want go to the first available computer, logon and download your picture linking it to your formulae, or ingredient, or any other 4MACS item. All that in minutes!
Integrated e-mailing system
Any report can be sent by e-mail to any entry included in your address book file
The second aspect regards the capability to store information in a certain language. For instance, if you want to have the name of your product in different languages, you have to enter those names for each wanted language. When you are going to have a printout in a particular language, 4MACS will search for the names –and all other entries- in that language.
The multilingual capability of 4MACS offers also interesting possibilities. Imagine this: you have your database in your Country where there is the head-quarter of your company. You have also laboratories and factories in different Countries of course speaking different languages. Well, 4MACS offers the capability to use the local language to all users whilst sharing the same database.
Currently the following languages are available: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.
Quality Assurance
All items in and out can be submitted to a specification then all lots of those items will be certified consequently.
A specification is a list of analyses and for each analysis you can define the range of tolerance. It means that a lot to be accepted must reveal all results within the relevant range.
If all results are all right, then the lot is approved.
What happens if one or many results are out of range? 4MACS can activate several procedures –that must be pre-decided-: mostly sending warning messages to pre-defined recipients to ask for extensive and in-depth examination. The final decision will be either to accept or to reject the lot. The certificate remains associated to the lot for any further examination regarding the item, the supplier, the cross reference of involved lots of the employed ingredient, etc.
For instance, if in future there are problems with a lot of a product –imagine a complaint regarding PAO or worse- 4MACS allows you to keep all drawers and filing cabinets perfectly closed: just enter search for the item, enter the lot number and you get all certifications involved of all employed lots of all employed ingredients with the indications of trade names, suppliers, costs, who has done each single analysis and when, etc.
The performances of 4MACS permit to adapt the specifications and the consequent certifications to local conditions in different factories, warehouses and different Countries.
PIF Product Information File
The structure reflects the requirement of the European Commission also it represent an element of documentation usable for many purposes.
The reason is that it is a perfect document in terms of accomplishment, quality of exhibition and clarity.
Printouts, multimedia files, multilingual capability make a dossier an outstanding and precious document that transmit not only information and data, but also and moreover a precise technological image of the company in general and the person in particular on the market.
Internal SmartComm
The SmartComm functionality does not affect the regular procedure of 4MACS and does not represent any break whatever is the active screen or function that any user has in progress.
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